Invite to the school's annual event.

Though there was no telepathy, having her ears so near to the man's heart, Li Xue could hear his beats all clear to ears even in her sleep.

And knowing exactly what his hastened beats meant, she moved to wrap her arms securely around his waist, shifting herself more comfortably on his lap. "Mr Beelzebub, you don't worry. I won't ever leave you. If destined to hell, you are my eliciting temptation of torture. If destined to heaven, then you will become my only angel of goodness" She said with a soft mumble, knowing exactly what words would soothe the man's anxious beating heart.

For a moment, Feng Shufen was taken aback with both her actions and her words. But realized the actuality when he saw her eyes still drooped close. No doubt, she was sleeping all perfectly. Her courage in front of him either surfaces when she gets jealous or when she is sleeping.