Favouring wife over the world.

"Brother, could you please slow down a little. Sitting there for such long hours, I am already not feeling my legs and here, you are making me run like we are in a marathon" Feng Yi Lan said, panting her breath out. "For whom are you running like that? Li Xue is already out of the country. Then what at home is keeping you tempted? Did you get a mistress behind her back?"

Feng Yi Lan said simply, without thinking much of her words. But her fault hit her hard when felt the fearsome blazing glare of her brother. The sharpness was enough to kill her in one strike if his eyes could be used as real daggers instead of virtual ones. She shrieked, taking a few steps back, "Brother, I was just too happy. So, I cracked a joke. There are no hard feelings. Can you please not scare me with your eyes? Though your eyes are charming enough to take anyone's heart. But it is also scary enough to strangle anyone's life away."