Obedient wife.

"You can order anything you want", Zheng Wenting said as he gestured to the waiteress to take the order from the lady sitting across him. His eyes not leaving the woman even a bit of second.

"A glass of water, please," Li Xue said, giving a soft smile to the waitress that meant no harm. She was in no mood to sit here and entertain the man with his unexpected lunch date.

The brows of the waitress scrunched a little in confusion. Her eyes went to look at the man to double-check the order as not all the time, people come to such a lavish restaurant to order just a glass of water.

Zheng Wenting looked at the woman for an instant before saying, "Bring us a glass of water first, we will order other dishes a little while later". The waitress nodded before understanding the order and then left.