Don't sympathize with conspiracies against me.

Zheng Wenting's expressions were cold and stern but it didn't faze the mocking laughter playing on Li Xue's face.

"Li Xue, I am asking it seriously. Is your aloof and cold behaviour towards us is because of that man?" he repeated again and the woman could not help but felt a little irritated hearing a monotonous question.

Pausing her laughter for a bit, she put her hand against her head for some support as using her thumb she massaged the skin between her brows. Her long wavy locks sprawled to one side, putting the side of the stretched, slender neck on the show. "Didn't I already give you an answer? If you so badly want to hear your referable answer then go on and assume it as you want. But don't rattle my cage like this. I am already not able to handle your tone".

She said displeasingly and looking at her getting annoyed, the man's expression also softened. He has not brought her here to make her feel vexed rather has thought to make amends with her.