Will not able to match him even in the hundredth birth!

Wen Sying felt her heart skid at Li Xue's warning words. She has not expected this coming. Her heart drummed in fear thinking if any of the secrets from the past have surfaced. She felt haunted by those piercing glares as she knew her once friend well.

When Li Xue had returned back to the city, at the airport when they met, she was sure that in her eyes there was no expression of harm. But now looking at her, she could no longer be sure of that.

Dreadfully looking at Li Xue, Wen Sying asked in a very conscious tone. Her hands were already feeling clammy over the soft fabric of the man's shirt. "W- What are you implying to say by that Li Xue? Are you accusing me and Wenting of something?"