Make the first chance itself to be a splendid one!

Li Xue's expression froze the moment she heard Su Fai mentioning the name Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi! Was she the same woman she was thinking of? The once fashion queen of Chiboa. The tag of the queen itself was enough to let anyone know the height, the woman would have climbed in her career. Her reign in the industry was flawless until one day she mysteriously left the country.

No one knew what happened to her. Her fans along with many other profiteers tried to search for her but no traces were left behind for their clue.

Li Xue's stomach clenched with some mixed emotion when she felt that maybe the woman could be the one in her thoughts. She was feeling a wave of excitement erupting inside her but at the same time, something was also keeping her zing reigned in the situation. She was still standing a step behind from where nothing was clear, only the back of the woman was on her show.