No less than a walking encyclopedia.

Li Xue froze for a second when she felt that warm touch of lips over her cheeks. Though this was not the first, as always, she felt new to it. Was this man teasing her purposefully this way, so that she gets to forget the things she has to ask him?

"Mmm! Without any doubt, that's the sweetest".

She heard him say near her ears, breathing his warm breaths over her skin. She shivered under his influence, confused by his words for a second. Her brows scrunched a little as she turned to him with a snap and asked, "Huh? What was that about?"

Instead of giving any quick reply to her question, Feng Shufen snaked one of his arms around his waist from behind before turning and pulling her to sit over his lap. "I was just checking with WeiWei's words and she was not wrong with her conclusion," He said plainly, looking at her raised expression.