Inappropriate to receive gift from other women.

Feng Shufen's face turned more frigid. His cold eyes blazed fire to the frail flowers as if intended to burn them into ashes, right at the moment. "Where are you taking them, Sister Margaret?" His question shot out all cold and dark, making the old lady's frail heart almost freeze for a second.

Though she has always been used to this cold attitude of the man, her habits had started changing from the day itself when Li Xue came into his life. Because with the woman beside him, his temperament never wavered like this. It always remained warm and comfortable. But today seeing the lady leaving her food halfway, the Devil was back on active mode.

"Ah, Young Master, I am bringing these gifts to the usual gift room, where the other gifts from Ms Zhang had been kept. I would have put them there before but Madam stopped me, getting curious about the gift room"

Gift room! No doubt the woman was like that.