Truly impeccable!

Feng Yu Hao's blood boiled inside when heard his informant's words. Wiped off the traces before they could even reach? That only meant one thing, his thoughts were all right and perfect. Yun Yuchun was truly there and everything that happened years ago was just a false pretension to twist the truth.

His fist got clenched when he realized how he was betrayed all these years. He knew what he did was wrong and something for which he could never ask her forgiveness. But didn't he explain everything to her? Didn't she accept all his words? Haven't they already decided the things well and have found their own ways of happiness?

Then what made her betray him like this? Lie to him in ways that were no less than death to him.

His knuckles went white when remembered everything from almost a decade ago. His eyes got red in anger and he was about to blast out loud when suddenly a feathery soft touch tried to ease his stiff ones.