Rejection has never been on the list of choices.

Soon the winners were decided and the chief guests were asked on the stage to deliver the awards. Feng Yu Hao's chest puffed up with pride as he climbed up the stairs to reach the stage. He did not know what made him feel this prideful but he could not help but feel the bubbles in his heart.

Zhen Qinrou also climbed up the stairs along with the man, her eyes showing the light of some hostility but then her smiling expressions masking it all.

Everyone cheered for the little figure while the teacher and the Principal standing at the side felt the pride. Undeniably, their decision of pushing the little up for the difficult task didn't prove wrong, rather came out more exceptionally. No doubt the glory was not only added to the little one but also in the books of the school.

While people were clapping at the front, behind the crowds, someone was struck with thundering clouds.