Never learnt such foolish act.

Feng Yi Lan was also dumbfounded by Qi Shuai's sudden appearance. But what made her more addled at the situation was his words and the sudden gesture of closeness. This has not been him in any of the years before. He looked different claiming her again with that endearment of the name. So different that she lost track of the time when he came to stand by her side and snaked his arms around her.

When realized, she yelped and was almost at the edge to jump out but then halted, hearing the irritated voice of her mother from the side.

"You are with him. Didn't I say I would never accept him with you? What are you thinking Yi Lan? He is not a right choice for you" Zhen Qinrou's eyes instantly saw red when she saw her daughter again in the arms of the man, with whom she never wanted her to be.

Why does she always have to go opposite to her words? How could she not consider the hard efforts she has made to separate them?