Wait to look at the little one's father.

"We would check them later, WeiWei. For now, let's not forget that we have your Aunt Yi Lan and Uncle Cutie here" Li Xue said, dodging the question for the time being. Then straightening herself back, she turned to look at the man and greeted him first. "Director Qi! I didn't know that you would be coming here. But it's nice to see you".

Qi Shuai instantly waved his hands in disappointment as he whined with some sophistication. "Ah, don't say more, Sister – in – law. Sigh, I really regret that I have got a friend like Shufen. He didn't even care to let me know that our munchkin would be on the stage. Or else I would not have been this late. I am so disappointed in him".

"Uncle Cutie, did you not see me on the stage?" Suddenly the little one asked, pouting her lips out at the man.