Change in the system.

Wen Sying looked at Zheng Wenting. Though her eyes were giving an image of her pain, beneath that pain was the hatred. Dark hatred of envy for Li Xue, winning against whom was just feeling invincible now. She was hating the feeling she was getting inside but at the same time, she could not brush it aside, remembering how loud the mocking laughter of the woman was still ringing in her ears.

She was raped last night but that was not the thing that was hurting her, rather the thing that was aching her was the name of Li Xue that the man had moaned near her ears. Which woman would like to hear that?

'Li Xue, you must be having fun teasing me like that. But don't be glad this early. I have learnt my lessons against you and know very well that playing fair is not the right thing I should use. With you, it will only be better if I turn as cunning and cruel as you have always been with me'. Wen Sying said internally as she grudgingly stared at the distance behind the man.