Want to show first to you.

"Is she already asleep?" Li Xue asked, looking up from her cellphone at the man. Her eyes, showing some hints of relief and a shine of satisfaction.

Of course, the man knew all well what that satisfaction was about. He nodded to her words before asking, "It's already late. Why have you yet not slept?"

Li Xue smiled at his concern. "Mr Beelzebub, are you kicking me out of your room? If you are doing so, then you can tell me straight. I won't mind your bluntness".

The man did not reply to her words, instead, he turned around to push the door of the room shut and then knobbed it lock. "I have already asked you to sleep here, cuddling in my arms. It was your decision to keep sleeping in the next room until we get the final seal on the marriage certificate".