Children are naughty, WeiWei is adorable.

The black Maybach car was parked at a distance from some ice cream parlour. Through the black glass windows of the car, nothing inside the car was visible to the outsiders. But Li Xue could clearly see the people taking a walk outside. 

"You know you are just spoiling her like this. She has clearly gone with an intent of naughtiness there yet you have allowed her to be like that. Do you really not care?" Li Xue suddenly asked, not able to understand how the man could be this good at spoiling. 

Earlier, when her little devil had invited Qi Shuai to come along, she has not missed the tone of naughtiness she has used on him. Her eyes might have shone along with her words, but in the depths of that shine, she has not ignored the slight glint of mischief within. And looking at Qi Shuai and others, she could tell that they have felt it too. But none of them could bring themselves to reject her.