Daddy Angel will buy me everything.

"It was simple, Mama. We distributed ice creams to many people". WeiWei said with casualness and Li Xue's brows tugged together in confusion. 

Distributed ice creams! What does that mean? 

Her gaze darted to look at Feng Shufen too but he looked too calm to even take the bother of things like this. It felt like he didn't mind the play the little devil had gone to play out there. 

"WeiWei, can you explain to Mama the things more well?" Not able to get things quite in the picture, Li Xue asked, looking intently at her daughter. 

Qi Shuai at the front also looked behind through the mirror but this time he didn't intend to make any reckless talk. He has already got the lesson for the day and to say more of his words against the devilish powers behind, he would need to regenerate his courage and strength back.