Qi Shuai's face became horrifyingly serious for a second as he looked wordlessly at Du Fan. They didn't know what would be the consequences if Li Xue got the complaints. But they could not dare to imagine what things would lead to if Feng Shufen got to hear all this from her. 

Wouldn't he just sentence them to death? Of course, that would be the least they could expect from him. Teaching the devil's daughter something bad would not even let them live comfortably in Hell. 

Thinking all that, suddenly Qi Shuai gave a dry laugh, trying to make amends for the things he has mistakenly done wrong. "Haha … munchkin, how can you say that? Have you ever seen a good and intelligible Uncle like me, teaching something bad to such a cute and witty girl like you? Definitely not! That has never happened and will never do in the future. I was just joking with you so that you can laugh and not be upset with this smaller thing".