Lacked love rivals.

Wen Sying's eyes became horrified as her gaze snapped to look at the door from where the voice has come. "W – Wenting, this was not what you heard. Let me explain, I …" She lacked the words, no longer knowing what excuse she could make at the moment. She has none ready and none of her thoughts was making a reliable one.

"Wenting, I … I …" She started again but the result was still the same. It felt like she was stuttering because of guilt when in reality she was actually not finding any right word to react. "L – Let me explain it. It's not as you think". 

Zheng Wenting face muscles were clenched tight. His eyes, looking stormy to an extent where he could easily ruin everything in front of him. "You did that or did you not?" he spatted out without paying heed to any request presented to him.