Desperate for a daughter.

The next day. 

Li Xue was early to visit her company first thing in the morning. But when she got there, Xiao Meng halted her out of Lin Xinyi's office. 

"Sister Xue, sorry, but I think it won't be good for you to go inside right now". The young assistant said, coming to Li Xue, the moment she saw her about to knock at the office door. 

Li Xue's brows wrinkled as she asked, "Why? Is Sister Xinyi busy with something?" 

Xiao Meng nodded, putting her glasses properly on her nose. "Yep, Sister Xue. Right now, Sister Xinyi is with someone in a meeting and people seemed a little high profile" she said suddenly pausing, drawing close to murmur something in her ear. "And do you know, Sister Xue, seeing this client come to Sister Xinyi's office, the other models of the company are saying that the company is being biased to you"