Never admire wretched people.

"Ahh, it was really impressive, Yi Lan. I never expected things would end this easily and smoothly. I must say that you have really got good and efficient employees. They know both 'how' and 'when' of your place," Li Xue said, as she came to take a comfortable seat beside her friend on the couch, while someone came forward to serve a glass of soft drink. 

Feng Yi Lan nodded. "Mhm … they all have learned very well from me". She added proudly while flipping close another template of design magazine on the table. "You know they say, 'Teacher does influence their students in a possible way'."

At those words, Li Xue's brows got raised in an instant. "Really? Why I doubt that?"

"Doubt? What do you doubt, sweetheart?" Feng Yi Lan asked, narrowing her eyes and Li Xue could not help but laugh at her frowning brows. 

"Of course, at your words, pretty! I feel you have a great rapport with your employees and that is making both the parties efficient".