Take away the things she possesses.

For a moment Li Xue wanted to laugh out loud. Strike in revenge for her sister's death? From when did her revenge and punishments become this easy? She was not a person to take an eye for an eye but was even worse than that, when things came to relate to her. There was no way in which she could be this simple with her enemy, especially the ones who dared to backstab her in the past. Revenge was not her things but revenge was also not something that she would let go.

Li Xue stared at Wen Sying for a moment. Hearing the sudden change in the attitude, she paused in her thoughts. Her expression of nonchalance wavered as she stared more at the woman, smirking at her. 

After not so long pause she asked, "What is it that you want from me this time, Ms. Wen?" her words vaguely giving hints of the tales of he happening from past years.