Daddy's pet.

Feng Yu Hao looked at Zhen Qinrou for some time. His expressions looked a little complicated. 

"Yu Hao you better not say anything about this. Earlier you have said that you would give a fair chance to both of them. Now that you are giving that girl a chance to stay with Shufen, Xiaotong also deserves the same. You should not stop her meeting from Shufen." Zhen Qinrou said when she didn't see the man speaking anything in response to her words. 

Feng Yu Hao nodded before turning the other side to take another business magazine in his hand. Seeing him suddenly so nonchalant, the woman was puzzled. She wanted to laugh but she knew if she did then her façade of caring and concerned mother would be gone. 

So, keeping her expression firm on her face with an attitude, she asked, "You are nodding. Does that mean you are accepting Xiaotong for Shufen?" If that was the case then, she could not be any less jovial at this moment.