What were the plans?

Li Xue could not help but shake her head. "Yi Lan, can you answer me one thing?" She asked before pausing to hear the response from the girl on the other side. Her lips pressed together helplessly. 

"Of course, dear! If not you, who do you think I will answer." Yi Lan answered and Li Xue could visualize a smile coming over her tiresome expression. 

For a moment, Li Xue wanted to laugh, but knowing all too well that Feng Yi Lan's attitude turned this way, every time it concerned her; she could not bring herself to laugh at her. After all, she was well aware of the way her friend treated her. 

"Was Wen Sying that worthy to make you wait for the whole night like this? You even ignored your sleep for her. I never knew that she was such a good friend of yours". 

Hearing that question, Yi Lan at once pouted but when looked more into the words she understood the meaning within. "Li Xue, it was not for her but you. I was …"