Did she refuse?

Li Xue's eyes contracted when she heard Lin Xinyi mentioning the Queen's name in between. She gazed back at the board with some thought, remembering well the last encounters she had with the lady. Her lips, curling up for a bit on her own thoughts, leaving the manager more confused at her attitude. 

"Li Xue, any problem?" Lin Xinyi asked again, neither understanding the reason behind her earlier question nor the reason behind the known smile. 

Li Xue shook her head in denial. "There is nothing important, Sister Xinyi. But is it important for me to reply about this contract right now? I mean I want to give it a thought prior to signing it", she said, turning to look at the woman with some meaningful depth in her eyes. 

Lin Xinyi paused, looking at her but then nodded. "Sure, give it a nice thought and tell me soon. Don't delay it too much if you really want this opportunity to not slip out your hands".