A Crown Prince today will be King tomorrow.

"Yes, I decided because it's you" Chen Rui firmly said. Her expression not showing any regret or sympathy but only confidence. "Not because you helped His Majesty in the hospital. Not because I pity your past. But yes, because it's you on whom I can have my confidence". 

Li Xue didn't understand. She just stared at the woman, waiting for her to explain. Chen Rui smiled before leaning on the desk more properly. 

"Dear, don't look at me like that. My meaning is itself clear enough for your comprehension. I chose you for this project because I believed that you could do it. Please don't get me wrong, but I am not a woman who would mix my professionalism with my emotions. Though I really like you as my own, I would still not risk the culture of our country if you aren't capable of handling it. You got the offer solely because you deserved it". 

The Queen said in a resolute tone that warned to not raise a finger over her words and decisions.