Hard to chase away flies from the honey pot.

Feng Yi Lan's eyes danced as she saw her friend pausing in both her tracks and words. She bit her tongue as her intention has never been to reveal these things to her. It was just at that crazy moment, she could not help but blabber out the things. 

Li Xue's brows jutted in a question mark as she narrowed her eyes at her friend before asking, "What did you say, Yi Lan? What is your brother doing?" 

"Haha … what are you hearing Li Xue? Don't you know I got in the habit of talking rubbish? What I just said was an example of that. Come on, don't mind it" Feng Yi Lan said, forcing an awkward laugh out before turning to walk back to her laptop.

"Yi Lan, spill it out soon because I am not going to buy your excuse" Li Xue spoke, folding her arm at her front while keeping her eyes still on her friend's head. It was not like she was having any trust issues with the man, rather she was quite interested to hear the story her Yi Lan was concealing in her heart.