Lied for the first time.

"CEO Zheng, are you alright?" Li Xue suddenly asked with concern. Though her words had the care for him, her expression didn't show even the slightest bit of it.

On the other hand, Zheng Wenting was no longer able to hold his emotions. He never knew the pain his one decision would make him suffer until he heard the girl asking him that one question. At that moment, only one thought was ringing as a survival bell in his head – Deny the promise and start afresh. 

But in a corner of his heart, he also knew that was not possible. If denied the promise, he would have no face and value to stand in front of the woman, let alone have a chance to talk to her. "Oh yes, I am alright. I just tranced off for a bit, I am sorry for that". He said and Li Xue just gave a soft smile to his apology,