Like the sky is falling down.

"So, you are saying that Mr. Ling has seen the flaw in Amaranthine?" Feng Yi Lan asked worriedly, sitting with Li Xue. The show has finally ended and they have said their goodbyes to every guest, media, and audience. The team of staff has been efficient in wrapping things quick and well, and now everyone was resting around, chatting together.

Feng Yi Lan has always been friendly at her workplace. Though she has never let down her authority over the people, still, most of the time she has remained gentle and casual with the people she works with, more than being bossy.

Li Xue nodded. "Mhm. He has said that to me. He said that I have done my job well on the stage, especially at the time of presenting Amaranthine." She said, looking at Feng Yi Lan. Her tone was very much at ease, not at all anxious like her friend.