So much fun and interesting.

"Really? Did the issue become that big, Sister Margaret? But I thought Ms. Wu was just doing fine here. We rarely had time to see each other", Li Xue asked in surprise as her hands and eyes remained busy setting the platter. After returning home, she has barely taken any rest and has directly come to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Since she has already promised her daughter to celebrate the day with her, she has to make it up to her.

"Madam, you have been too kind to be ignorant towards her audacity. But her attitude has been something unsuitable for her position and job. She needed to know her place and Young Master just helped you teach her the lesson". 

The old woman replied, standing behind the lady. Her aged eyes searched to see if she could come to any help. But Li Xue was too meticulous and systematic in her work. When she gets into the kitchen, she is like a full army on her own.