Right time.

Li Xue blinked her eyes as she stared at the person that appeared out of nowhere early in the morning. "Ahh. Good morning, Director Qi. Are you fine?" Even though she asked him that, she need not hear his answer to know that in no way he looked fine. 

"Oh – Oh t-that, Xiao Xue, I am okay. W-Where is Shufen? Did h-he not wait for me?" Qi Shuai said, panting with some anxiousness. His words were not leveled in a good tone but still was alright to bring up the sentence as full.  His one hand resting over his hips while the other holding the door frame for support. Just a glance at him at the moment and one could tell that he has run a marathon to arrive here. 

"Wait for you? Were you planning to go out somewhere?" Li Xue asked, her eyes suspecting something different in the man's attitude, sizing him up and down while doubting the possibilities.