Token of gratitude.

After taking a whole stroll of one hour in the Western Arcade, Li Xue was still not able to find something that could pique her interest. She has gone to the luxe jewelry shop, yet none of the pieces there caught her eyes. She has gone to the jade store as well but there also she felt nothing could be seen to match the elegance and grace of the Queen. 

Not finding anything suitable, she kept on taking a stroll around the floor in search of something without getting bored or tired. It was just then a shop at the corner caught her eyes. 

It was dimly lit in the dark, having strange attractive charms that were both inviting as well as repelling the customers. A shop like that in the cluster of big-name brands like Chanel and Gucci was undoubtedly standing out. But it was as well intriguing her curiosity to know what made the owner of the shop get the corner like that in the Western Arcade.