They are here for Ms. Li Xue

On the other side, at Cygnus International School,

Li Xue has already rushed all the way to school. Sitting in the principal's room she was trying her best to get any hints from the things but as said earlier, there seemed to be no left traces in the school. Like the Principal has said, the person has carefully used the dead zones of the school to take away Li Wei with.

But then the question arises – Why did her girl obediently follow someone like that. Though her little one was dangerously obedient sometimes, still that obedience was limited to some persons that mainly includes her and Feng Shufen at most and also …

"Xiao Fei, did you see who took away Li Wei before?" Li Xue asked the little girl about whom WeiWei had talked earlier. She has been the last one to accompany her before she went missing.