Puppet of someone else's hands.

"She is not an object that we could win over. Is it that hard for people to understand?" Jing Wei Jin sharply snapped as he turned to his side to look at his brother. His eyes were all cold, for once not holding any hint of easy playfulness which it always held in its depths. 

The sudden pitch of his snap took Jing Shaoqing off guard. Though he was not expecting some sweet talk to come after his tease, he also did not expect such a fierce glare from his brother. "But brother, I was …" His composure wavered as he tried some words out but the moment he started he was put to silence. 

"You are asking me to blame her for rejecting me, right? But have you ever thought that if I am really in the position to blame her?" Jing Wei jin asked as he erupted in a small mocking chuckle at the end. "She is the person that got ruined because of us. In the hands of me! What capability did I still hold to blame her?"