Sweet, melodic voice that changed the whole of the story.

Walking up to Feng Shufen, Li Xue placed his phone on the table in front of him, before turning to take his hand into hers.

"Just give me a moment, Sister Xinyi. I will take the spare phone to check." She said on the call before tugging on the hand of Shufen to make his finger press on the fingerprint sensor.

Feng Shufen was working on the laptop and Li Xue did that, his brows of amusement got raised at her but the woman ignored it like her action was not something uncasual.

Just after the finger was pressed, the phone got unlocked and without giving any restriction to her attitude, Li Xue fiddled into his phone. While Feng Shufen just looked at her, leaning his head a little forward on the support of his hand. Seeing her so unrestrictive around him kind of makes him feel honored.