Good offense is the best defense.

Knocking at the door first, Li Xue pushed it a little open to ask with a gentle polite tone. "Sister Xinyi, may I come in?" Her eyes peeking at every corner of the room in search of the manager but still finding her nowhere inside. "Sister Xinyi!" She called again, pushing the door more open to take a proper look before stepping a step inside. 

But still, the woman was nowhere to be seen inside. The room was empty and freakingly clean and tidy as if somebody had made an effort of cleaning it just now. And seeing it so freakingly clean was giving a kind of nauseating feeling to Li Xue. Blame it for the nervousness she was feeling inside.

Pressing her hand over her mouth, Li Xue looked around mumbling softly to herself. "Why did I not remember hearing that Sister Xinyi had a problem of OCD?"