Taking after the capabilities is better.

"Who said you have not taken after your mother, dear? From where I am seeing, just a look of you is telling me how you are the daughter of your mother." Shin Tinming said as taking a slow stroll he entered the living hall with his hands at his back. 

Earlier, he was in a very important administrative meeting, busy hearing the agenda plans of his ministers when his assistant came to inform him about the call he received from Butler Cao. 

Hearing him inform the arrival of Li Xue made him adjourn the meeting immediately, and leave the conference room without paying heed to the shock and surprise-filled glances the ministers sent his way. 

Usually, he would never leave the meeting like this, until it is something really important to him. So when he left, he knew people behind him were all curious to know what had happened but neither he had time to tell them nor they held the importance to know about it.