His Highness would be left all broke.

"It's already getting dark. Let's go inside and sit." Shin Tinming said, looking at his wife with some meaning. Chen Rui nodded to him before turning to give a soft smile to Li Xue and everyone. 

"Yes, it's growing dark outside. It's time to get in." She said, before getting to hold Little Li Wei's hands. "And you, little one! Come with me. I have asked someone to prepare some sweets for you. Taste it for me and let me know how it is? I have heard from your mother that you have got a good taste in sweet dishes". 

Little Li Wei smiled before turning to look at her mother. "Yes, WeiWei very much likes sweet dishes. But Mama says we shouldn't eat too many sweets so WeiWei always follows her words and would eat less. And even today if you ask me to eat more, I could only taste it and not have it wholly. Right, Mama?"