Never been interested in political board games.

Li Xue was checking the time and recent messages on her phone again and again. But no matter how many times she checked there was no information about the arrival of Mr. Beelzebub. Though she had already asked Du Fan to stop him outside, she was not too sure if he really would be able to do that. 

Chen Rui has also noticed her action and seeing her like that, she could not help but chuckle. "Don't worry, Xiao Xue. You won't have to wait for long. The palace has already received the call about Feng Shufen's and your man must already be on his way inside." She said with a bit of tease which took Li Xue off the track for a bit. 

"Huh?" Li Xue asked with a bit of confusion, then quickly shaking her she denied, "No, no absolutely not. I wasn't looking for that. I was just …"