He failed.

Though earlier he knew that his son was just to play a tease game with Li Xue, still what he heard him say was something that brought him to think about Li Xue's concern. Earlier he may not be ready to accept the girl in his life, but now he couldn't be sure of the same, given how every time he feels the tug of adorement towards her. 

So thinking in favor of her, Shin Tinming couldn't control asking Feng Shufen out for a word. 

"Shufen, in the past I know a lot has happened between us, but amid all that, I still want to ask you a favor. I hope that later in life, you treasure Xue with all your means. No matter whatever comes your way". Shin Tinming said and in his voice, there was a desperate request that was a little shocking to hear, given the authority he holds in general. 

But seeing the nonchalant attitude of Feng Shufen towards those words, he didn't seem fazed a bit. It was like he was too casual to those words.