A dream come true for me, a nightmare come true for Li Xue.

Elsewhere, Wen Sying was feeling all her nerves aching. Again something happened that had ruined all her plans. She doesn't understand why every time she plans for something, the opposite to that happens. 

"Is there a way to change the wave now?" Wen Sying asked suppressing her yell with great effort. Her whole face has turned red and as she was without her makeup on, at the moment she was looking horrendous. Looking at her like that, even her manager, Da-Xia was scared. 

Stammering in her words, she said with hesitance, "S-Sying that's kind of difficult. You know news like this doesn't die down easily. This is the current sensation and very unlike to die down so easily." She said as her eyes stared at the opened laptop screen, where on the trending news only one name was getting flashed. President of Feng Internationals, Feng Shufen!