Their gentle lovemaking.

Something changed in Feng Shufen's eyes. Though it was slightest to notice, Li Xue still was able to get it. But that slight change was a bit different, unlike every other situation they had shared before. Something in his gaze that seemed like a promise. Promise to bring her to the other world and not let her escape ever. 

But what was that world about? Though Li Xue could guess it, she still tried to feign oblivion to her knowledge. Her eyes blinked at Feng Shufen before giving a nod of surety to him. 

And that nod was all that took Feng Shufen to let go of his control. It has already become hard for him to take the temptation, especially earlier during helping her in the bath. How could he still bring himself to hold it when at the front the woman was clearly asking him for it. 

His deep grey orbs turned deeper as it stared at the woman who has no idea of the trouble she has stirred inside him, giving him fear.