Switching the roles at wrong timings.

"Are the clothes not comfortable?" Feng Shufen asked when saw Li Xue all silently sitting in the car. She looked like she was holding back on something. But he was not sure what was it. 

Li Xue shook her head. "Nope, it is perfectly of my size and comfort." She briefly said and went back to silence, making the man confused. Confusion has never been in his preference, but the more he was living with the woman, the more he was getting used to it. 

"Then? Why are you silent?" He asked and Li Xue turned to look at him with obviousness. As if she has presented the reason behind her action all this time but even been obvious, the man has failed to guess it. 

Li Xue blinked her eyes with a bit of innocence. "Haven't you asked me to stay a little cautious around you? So that you can control the beast inside yourself from breaking out?" She said and Feng Shufen raised his brows at her. He was amused to hear that but more than amused he was feeling something else.