Deserves some concession.

Back in Our Paradise, Li Xue has long reached back home. But she was still not able to get over to the things she has seen earlier in the car. To confirm it, again and again, she has kept the television on and gazes all fixated on the screen. Not for a moment leaving it to look anywhere else. 

Though her eyes seemed to be reading the news flashing, her mind was deep in the thoughts pondering over it.

Only when the screen was switched off, did her eyes turn to look at the man beside her. But even after she wasn't able to say anything. Like her ponders over the happening was still not completed and she was yet there to know more about it. 

Her eyes blinked at Feng Shufen as internally she asked to herself, 'Was he planning about this all the time?' Because whatever seemed to be happening to Zheng Wenting and Wen Sying doesn't seem to a day or two work. It must have taken months for sure.