If it was for friendship, then it was worth it.

The little girl looked at her mother and was perplexed. Just by her blank eyes and slightest frown of brows, Li Xue knew that her princess was not too informed about the topic. Deepening her smile at her, she gently pinched her cheeks to confirm. "So, does my little devilic-angel not know that there are many forms of dance?" 

Little Li Wei pouted and shook her head, "No, Mama. WeiWei just wants to learn dance. She doesn't know about forms. Are there many forms?"

Li Xue's expression turned a little serious as pressing her lips together, she nodded. "Yes, there are many. That's why I am asking you, which form are you going to learn?" 

Blinking her eyes in doubt for a moment, the little girl stared at her mother. "Mama, I want to learn the dance that the senior girls were practicing at school. But I don't know the form name." She said and that was all Li Xue wanted to know,