A story to share with you.

Not knowing how long it already was but finally, Lin Xinyi was feeling better after a deep sleep. Her muscles were feeling much relaxed than it was before. Though under her eyes there were big dark circles which were looking too evident on her fair skin, still it was nowhere dampening her beauty for which she was once known for. 

Sitting up on the bed with calmness in her demeanor, Lin Xinyi turned to look out of the window where the sun seemed to be drowning in the west. "It's already evening. I slept too much." She realized groggily while feeling her throat running dry. 

Turning slightly on her sitting, she was about to reach to get herself a glass of water when found the jug kept on the side already empty. Pressing her lips with some disappointment, she lifted up the duvet a little weakly, before slipping on the slippers to walk to the kitchen.