Tic for tac.

Li Xue's expression paused for a moment as she stared at Lin Xinyi. What she heard was enough to shake any woman in her position. But compared to them, she looked very calm and composed. Like she has just not felt the floor down her feet moving.

And that was something scary. Lin Xinyi had not expected that one response from her. She has thought that hearing her say that girl might accuse her of the things or feel betrayed but here she felt like Li Xue was there hearing her like a friend. A friend who is always there for you to hear the stories of your falling in love and then breaking up with your partner. 

"L-Li Xue, won' you say anything. I just …" Feeling a bit off at Li Xue's no special response, Lin Xinyi didn't know how to continue. She has not meant to cause her shock. It was just that she doesn't want to keep it from her because as she has grown close to the girl. She doesn't want to lose her like she has lost everything else in her life.