The pair of uncle and niece.

Li Xue heard the voice and it didn't take her long to realize who actually was there. She turned around and was not disappointed at her guess of the person. The royal tone of arrogance was enough to let her know that it was no other but the Crown Prince himself. 

Her brows raised in suspicion as she found him standing at the distance. Was his presence at the place a coincidence? Or … 

She need not have to think further as the answer came on its own from her side. 

"Little Belittle Uncle, you are here! WeiWei have been searching for you around." Little WeiWei called out in excitement, forgetting everything else from around. 

Seeing her sing the song in his welcome, Shin You Jun looked the happiest. His eyes shone as his lips as well slightly curled up on the corner in reciprocation. With equal excitement like Li WeiWei, he quickly took his steps to walk to them.