Why do you have to save them?

Shen Bingling paled. "Ms. Li, Her Highness already have so much to look after. Let's not bother her with our matters." She said, giving an awkward smile to Chen Rui first then turning to add some extra meaning in her gaze for Li Xue 

But to her gaze, Li Xue feigned all innocence as if she was not getting anything that the princess was trying to explain. "Ms. Shen, that …" She began but her words were immediately interrupted as Shen Bingling couldn't afford to say more. 

"Haha … Ms. Li, don't say more. It would turn quite embarrassing for Li Na. Please think for her with a good heart." She said and, on her side, Li Na was all confused. 

The girl's expression turned all blank. Turning to Shen Bingling, she was about to ask what she was talking but she wasn't allowed. Just when she was about to word her confusion, Shen Bingling held her hands, asking her to stay silent.