Adding you on the royal tree.

["Shen Donghai, from when my daughter's life became equal to the little compensation? Do you forget who I am? Or do you not feel necessary to consider it now?"] 

Li Xue sat upright on her chair at the dining table as the words of Shin Tingming continuously played in her thoughts. She doesn't know if it was the tone used by the man that carved those words so strong in her thoughts, or was it the warmth it held. But now she could just not erase them from her memories. The feeling and emotion it gave were so genuine that for once she even believed that she was their daughter for real. No doubt Shen Donghai walked away with such fury. He might have felt it absurd as well. 

Though in her thoughts, she realized that her plate was getting filled slowly by slowly. But she was still in the dilemma. Should she even move her fork or not? The man's gesture was too surreal to believe all of a sudden.