Wildness in her eyes.

Li Xue didn't realize when it was already evening. After a long time, she was sleeping like this with her little one and the feeling was as she had last remembered. All comfy and warm. Until the chirps of the birds at the sunset reached her ears, she didn't feel like it was time for getting up for the evening. 

Opening her eyes, she looked around. The room was in the silent darkness, but there was the source of soothing brightness coming out from the room. She looked on her side and there her princess was still sleeping with peacefulness written on her face. Not just on her face, Li Xue could feel the peace from all around. This feeling was so rare and has come after a long decade. 

Reasons? She was not sure about it but she wouldn't dare to deny the important components behind it. Her little princess, Mr. Beelzebub, and also the type of complete family she never had.